Earlier, Hunter had recalled when the fans once pelted Jackson with his Reggie!
His own fans pelted him with firelighters and bottles during the game, blaming him for this bitter defeat.
After his first game there, as a rookie, fans pelted the Dolphins' buses with rocks and bottles.
Fitch surmised that the Nets were embarrassed by their play and then further embarrassed when their own fans pelted them.
More recently - including last week during a game against the Texas Rangers - fans pelted the outfielders with paper and interfered with play.
After a frustrating loss, fans pelted his players with rocks.
Davao-Cebu - A Southern Conference rivalry, had a game in 1998 halted due to physical play while fans pelted the court with debris.
The fans pelted the track with garbage.
Some fans pelted the field with objects.
The fans pelted Campbell with vegetables and fruit, and someone set off a tear-gas bomb.