Just as quickly as the fans rose, Bryant sat them down.
The bullpen door opened, the country music played and 51,763 fans rose to cheer.
Every time he touched the puck, the fans rose to their feet, gasped and cheered.
The fans rose to their feet, and Ryan, who has two months of major league service, suddenly realized who he was facing.
At one point, the fans rise, section by section, to take part in the wave.
The 55,773 fans rose, but might have been too stunned to make much noise.
The right fielder lifted his bat in the air and turned to admire the blast as the fans rose to their feet.
To the left, fans of white spray rose above boulders lining the shore.
The fans rose to their feet and applauded loudly as the musicians left the stage.
The fans rose to their feet in a long, loud ovation.