Even as most fans were savoring today's victory, a few were looking ahead to the next World Cup and demanding more.
For this one night, fans and citizens savored a long-awaited treasure; Cathy Freeman savored the moment and said it would not change her.
But the Sunday cowboys and their fans were savoring the experience.
Early-music fans have long savored works by composers of the Notre Dame school, which centered on the landmark cathedral in Paris around 1200.
The fans should savor it, embrace it, because it may not come around again.
Although he has been a member of the club for 17 years, half of his life, there are murmurs as fans savor this star-sighting.
Devoted fans may savor this no-frills, quasi-intimate audience with a favorite celebrity.
While scholars can tease apart the regional variations, fans can simply savor the virtuosity and groan at the punchlines.
The World Cup is truly a world championship and something American fans should savor.
The Dead's fans savored the group's unpredictability, seeing as many concerts as possible and sometimes following the band for a full-length tour.