After the demolition, several thousand fans, many of them intoxicated, stormed the field.
After security guards helped him back onstage, he strode off without performing, causing his fans to storm the stage.
As his teammates celebrate and fans storm the field, an unrecognized Joe escapes from the ballpark.
After the game, fans storm the field and rip up chunks of grass as souvenirs.
After the Stars won 131-121 the fans stormed the floor and mobbed the court for twenty minutes.
Even if fans have not stormed the turnstiles to witness the jolly journey.
At that point, many fans, mostly Basel fans, stormed the field.
The game was attended by 17,000 fans, 2,000 over capacity, as fans without tickets stormed their way in.
As soon as the final buzzer rang, fans from the stands stormed the court in celebration.
Both goalposts came down when the fans stormed the field; the first actually fell with 48 seconds still on the clock.