All day long fans had streamed to Corpus Christi, where Selena was shot in a motel on Friday morning.
He had blasted the scoreboard with home runs before the game as fans streamed into Shea and the pulse of excitement coursed through the stadium.
The fans streamed in.
Fireworks were set off and Miami players and fans streamed onto the field in celebration of what they thought was another national championship.
Through a closed door leading to the outer hallway, as homebound fans streamed past, a deep and angry voice bellowed out, "Resign, Campbell, resign!"
After the game, the police separated English and Dutch fans as the crowd streamed out of the stadium.
The Executioner threw himself behind a tree as a fan of fire streamed to his left and a tree several yards away was engulfed in flame.
After the ceremonial procession, the red-clad fans streamed out of the arena to begin a long night of celebration in the downtown district.
Seconds after the race, the fans cheered halfheartedly and then streamed for the exits.
In seconds, the aisles seemed to be leaking grape juice, as purple-clad fans streamed soundlessly to the exits.