At one performance in late 2006, a fan named Crystal Hoyt jumped on the stage and took over Hickerson's microphone, thus becoming a member of the band until she parted ways with them in early 2011.
Game three was played at Rexall Place in Edmonton, where fans took over the singing of "O Canada".
When it came time for the redemption song "Alive" he had a better idea: he tossed the microphone into the audience, letting the fans take over while he stood onstage mouthing the words.
They like to jump ahead by using their explosive offense; then, with the other team trailing, their defense and their fans take over.
Now in his 50th year of calling baseball, Caray looks his age, but at game-time, the raucous, rascally fan takes over at the microphone.
We Can Be Heroes and Felt: The Book - what happens when fans take over 5.
"The whole BlizzCon really reminded me of when the Grateful Dead were on tour, and the fans would take over a city or something," said Jason Pinsky, a 32-year-old friend and fellow World of Warcraft player who flew from New York for the event.