During the match, which Deng won, several fans unfurled the national flag of Taiwan, which for the purpose of Olympic politics is referred to as Chinese Taipei.
They cheered when fans in the upper deck behind home plate unfurled a huge banner that said "Keep George Out."
In a Philadelphia football stadium, a fan called "the sign man" unfurled a banner with the words "Let's roll . . . out" to tumultuous applause.
"Absolutely stunning..." Smiling, Sarah dropped her a brief curtsey, and unfurled her fan, looking demurely at her sister over the top of it.
In Odessa, fans unfurled a long paper sign that the bus smashed through, as a running back smashes through a defensive line.
And if any viewer ever sees a Japanese fan unfurled again, it may be too soon.
No animated fans unfurled flags in his honor or chanted that he was overrated.
English fans even unfurl their traditional flags with the cross of St. George.
When Barry Bonds jogged to left field in the first inning here, some fans unfurled a huge banner with a message that he could not miss.
The sound had an added edge as many fans unfurled star-spangled banners.