The film centers on a husband whose fanatical desire but inability to father children drives him to force his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment.
That way everyone gets rich, the world keeps turning, and Iran loses its fanatical desires to close it all down.
David inherited his father's fanatical desire to win the ball; however, his body wasn't built to take the punishment that this approach entailed.
Your paranoia and fanatical desire for conformity got tangled up with human barbarism and aggression.
This whole prospect, the use of the sword for killing in a duel, was a fanatical desire in him.
A fanatical desire to achieve what is all too often the impossible?
That way everyone would get rich, the world wotild keep turning, and Iran would lose its fanatical desires to close it all down.
China no longer harbors a fanatical desire to steal our nuclear technology and military secrets.
Fitness, focus and a fanatical desire to compete have ganged up on him with the force of a religious conversion.
This is a resolution driven by those consumed by a fanatical desire to usurp national authority and status.