Combined with their secret nature and fanatical determination, the Purifiers are undoubtedly a deadly foe and a cause of great concern for the remaining mutants.
And suddenly Sean wondered why he had never noticed the strength in that face, the stubborn almost fanatical determination.
Then McAllister gets the equaliser after a team performance of fanatical determination.
Instead, the Kranolta concentrated with fanatical determination on getting over the walls and coming to close grips with their smaller opponents.
Perhaps understandable when Dent possessed an almost fanatical determination to become the best chronometer maker in the world.
Many of them seemed confused by their quick deployment and the reality of the battle, but others were of fanatical determination.
The Asians would be after them again by sunrise, with their vicious combination of massive numbers and fanatical determination.
If you pressed him a little, sometimes an almost fanatical determination shimmered behind the usual coterie of masks he presents to the world.
Does McCandless's fanatical determination to find it make him a saint, a holy fool or just plain nuts?
Lutt stared at her, sensing a deep thread of fanatical determination in her.