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What Kernaghan had seized upon is that the fanatical obsession with logos extends not only to building them up, but also to tearing them down.
Rather, there was a gradual awareness, later turning into a fanatical obsession, that the island of Ireland should have its own government.
B Map Boasting all sports, all the time, the Fours makes a great place to appreciate Bostonians' near fanatical obsession with sporting events.
I hated their fanatical obsession with the illusion of cleanliness.
Another running gag involving Schneider revolves around his fanatical obsession with his tool belt.
Despite this fanatical obsession, he was not a stupid man.
Apparently Horc shared Zur's near fanatical obsession with effective deployment of troops.
He has an almost fanatical obsession with Vera, at one point leading him to betray his allegiance to the traditional successors at the Reunion school.
For instance, one infamous trainer exhibits a fanatical obsession with one training method - his - to the exclusion of all others.
The media's fanatical obsession with Bush's minor slips of tongue says nothing about Bush's intelligence and everything about how liberals demean their political opponents rather than argue with them.