Her screen image was that of a hot-blooded Latin seductress, dressed in fanciful costumes and sparkling jewels.
Like the last explosion, on March 4, 1996, today's came on the Jewish holiday of Purim, when children walk the streets in fanciful costumes.
There were plenty of balloons and little girls in fanciful costumes.
Instead, one sees 10 dancers in mostly fanciful costumes by Epperson doing their thing under Al Crawford's lighting.
Each of the guests was to plan a fanciful costume, sparing no expense.
Dancers in fanciful costumes were jitterbugging everywhere.
Some of the women are topless, some wear leather or fanciful costumes.
At the moment he was being saved for a particular special where, in the fanciful costume of Africa, he would fight against mounted Arabs.
Visiting skiers are often astonished at the gaudy, fanciful costumes they see in the Rockies and Sierras.
The riders were clad in weird armour and fanciful costume of rainbow colours.