For those of you who haven't seen the hammock by our room, it's quite a fanciful design.
They take a plain white T-shirt and paint them with fanciful designs.
The top was carved in an airy, fanciful design similar to many he had seen in the course of his career.
Many of Gardner's moldings have been stripped from the first floor, but they remain on the second, with their complex and fanciful designs.
They emphasized fanciful designs rather than safe ones and their gamble has paid off.
The sides were beautifully ornamented and decorated in fanciful Indian designs.
On top of the table was a board, margins painted with fanciful designs.
The house is of a fanciful Italianate design, likely based on an illustration in a pattern book.
In reality much of the fanciful design that exists on the roof was present in the original design.
Ragan works on different typefaces ranging from formal to fanciful designs.