Only Mary understood her twin's absorption in the fanciful dreams that overshadowed the mundane details of daily life.
In time, these fanciful dreams became reality in the form of the first practical submarine designs.
Contrary to the philosophy of nuclear powers-that these weapons are needed for national security-is the "no longer fanciful dream" of a nuclear-weapon-free world.
Mr. Cannon's dreams of a rebirth for Bridgeport, however fanciful, were delayed.
I woke up with a headache, and I think I had some very fanciful dreams.
I wondered if ever again they'd transform an ordinary little girl into someone full of fanciful dreams she had to make come true.
Secondly, fantasy architecture and monuments don't get much notice in a city whose very lifeblood is fanciful dreams.
"Chimere" means both mythological monster and fanciful dream.
We'll crush them and their fanciful dreams forever.
Although some find his writing racist and blunt, it portrays life in the African bush as it was, and not as a fanciful romantic dream.