According to a less fanciful explanation, "emerald" here simply means "green coloured" in Thai.
This has given rise to several fanciful explanations for why the third floor is apparently sealed off and not accessible from elevators or steps.
In recent years theorists have filled the journals with ever more fanciful explanations of what might be causing this behavior.
Self-published, popular web pages present a variety of fanciful and less credible explanations about how these hills formed.
Now, she was sure, would come some sort of fanciful explanation that would go around the truth in order to conceal whatever was important.
A folk legend offers a more fanciful, but unfounded, explanation of the name of the settlement.
When faced with the weaknesses of their system, the rabbis would resort to fanciful explanations or simply fall back on faith.
A less fanciful explanation is that the cannon shot allows churches to synchronise their clocks.
Some extremely fanciful explanations have been proposed for the origins of the remaining 3 per cent, but the solution is actually straightforward.
Conversation picked up excitedly behind her; those near where she'd climbed the wall called fanciful explanations to friends farther away.