Imagine yourself to be the curator, if you must indulge in fanciful notions.
In light of management's somewhat fanciful notions about our public image, I became an obvious choice for the job.
Somehow, that has given rise to some fanciful notions about why they come to Alaska.
Halfway through this strange college basketball season, neither one is a fanciful notion.
The thing was incomprehensible to Tip, and altogether a fanciful notion.
He stopped, and his eyebrows raised with a fanciful notion.
Just because one of the chief's fanciful notions took a hefty knock now and then!
A fanciful notion, the Chief acknowledged, but not impossible.
He had the fanciful notion that after they left Ben was going to get up and come over and kill him.
There is no need for the fanciful notion that this young man was an angel.