Stuffed animals are moving beyond the humdrum into purely imaginary creatures in all sorts of fantastical shapes and sizes.
For that was what they were, and growing in them were the most fantastical, colorful shapes.
A man welded to a pet theory, Stella thought, could bend the raw iron of facts into very fantastical shapes.
An idea took shape in his mind, so fantastical that he would not have dreamed it had he not been so distraught.
Out in deep space, our universe of heavenly bodies is a riot of glorious colors and fantastical shapes.
Of glaciers and icebergs in fantastical shapes.
The trees that now surrounded him were immense, ancient things, their boughs twice the thickness of a man's body and curved into strange, fantastical shapes.
Wrangled into fantastical shapes and architectural elements by the experts, balloon design is a trend worth researching.
It was a fantastical shape of twisted towers, rising to one main tower that pointed slightly askew, like a knotty old finger.
Iridescence played over their fantastical shapes.