At first I was very surprised by the average standard of play; it's fantastically high when you consider cuts regularly falling at 2 or 3-under-par.
Even the one had been against fantastically high odds.
At the moment, the energy levels in the Van Allen belts must be fantastically high.
His blood pressure must be fantastically high, to drive that monstrous migraine.
Yes, you had a fantastically high temperature but they've managed to bring it down.
"But they are getting a fantastically high level of debt that makes one question whether it will be worth it."
The Moon was bright, deep in the west, and it glowed upon a lone aircraft that flew fantastically high.
The enemy ship broke off the engagement and fled, at fantastically high accelera-tion.
The odds were fantastically high against his finding them.
It is of fantastically high quality.