For example, the "find" command, which searches your file system for files that match certain criteria, is fantastically powerful and general.
That code is, as he says, fantastically powerful.
Plot of the film is based on a Soviet engineer who developed a fantastically powerful aircraft engine for airplanes.
It's a fantastically powerful recording that was done a matter of days before his death.
Pure thought. . . the emanations of a fantastically powerful mind.
"If you start by listening to the score," he added, "what you hear is a fantastically powerful piece of theater."
The Monolith is a fantastically powerful machine - look what it did to Jupiter!
"Having somebody like Jack Wilshere come through our system is fantastically powerful," he said.
We know, of course, that the EU, as a soft power, is fantastically powerful.
In the instant of that blast, humans became fantastically powerful and fantastically vulnerable.