Their mission is successful, but on the way home they encounter avalanches and rockfalls, diverting them into a fantasy underground kingdom.
Together they paint, write stories, make clay figurines, and eventually create a fantasy kingdom called Borovnia.
During play, the goal is to establish and grow a village successfully in the wilderness of a fantasy kingdom, clearing out all nearby threats.
Among his recent roles include that of a king in an ancient fantasy kingdom in Etheria.
However, in recent years, the series has been retconned as being set in the fantasy kingdom of "Babylim".
He lived in a fantasy kingdom in which he was King.
This series of issues set in the fantasy kingdom of Anglerre follows the royal family and their conflict against various aggressors.
Magic, chivalry and high adventure in a fantasy kingdom called Elenia.
To see these costumes, in a glass case, is to enter a fantasy kingdom that not only children can appreciate.
She leads him to a fantasy kingdom, where many of the buildings and natural formations feature breast-like protrusions.