That's rather a lot of potential for further amazement.
Much to his further amazement, he found he was removing the orange red 'hair' at the same time.
Rama sees with further amazement that Hanuman has also brought a massive force of bears, each one powerful enough to take on ten armed humans.
To my further amazement, she laughed.
To her further amazement she heard herself say in a tremulous voice, "Is that what you want?"
To the Mouser's further amazement, he felt not only a growing warmth as he pursued but also moistness in the air.
To his further amazement, some loiterers had money.
To her further amazement, she had been selected to head their new world government as the Revered Mother.
To her further amazement I requested tea.
The mat reached the water, and to the further amazement of the leading creatures, it began to float.