To provide further assurance of fairness, the city called for an independent appraisal.
But the Iranian side presented proposals to provide further assurances that Iran's nuclear program was peaceful, participants said.
And to give further assurances to the Orthodox customers, he turns on all the fires and the rice cookers in the morning.
The arrival of winter gave the Byzantine garrison a further assurance of success.
But health watchdogs and hospital managers may to seek further assurances when contracts are discussed at a meeting next week.
Havenga looked at his master for further assurance and when the prime minister nodded he spoke with apparent reluctance.
The union would do retirees a favor by insisting on further assurances about the pension change.
Others are holding out for further assurances on preventing piracy and guarantees that they will be able to pull their books from the service.
Beyond reviewing the terms of their agreement, the two officials are expected to try to extract further assurances in their session here on Wednesday.
For a majority of Iraqis, the president added, "this event brings further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever."