He said he could think of at least two ways to resolve the impasse without further bidding.
The bidding war sent Conrail stock soaring on the expectation of further bidding.
Speculators are betting that further bidding is likely.
It withdrew from further bidding when news of the investigation became public in June 1988.
Traders said the stock was selling for more than the offer because further bidding was expected.
And down he sat without further bidding, having previously deposited his old white hat on the landing outside the door.
The man did not need further bidding.
Without further bidding, she slammed his door shut, opened the one behind, and leaped in.
Nancy jumped out of bed without further bidding and padded over to the briefcase leaning against a compact working desk.
The small man turned quickly, looked once, and without any further bidding scurried across to the raised table.