But the captain was stronger and far cooler.
Besides, 'professional killer' sounded a far cooler way to think of himself than 'marketing exec'.
But we'll end up with something far cooler than we started out with.
I was going to be far cooler than that.
Hillary may appear far cooler than her husband, but in my observation she actually possesses a normal range of human emotions, from rage to love.
The space was warm, but far cooler than the courtyard outside.
As young men they hankered after sports cars, but to me the Jaguar remained far cooler, being both refined and raffish.
The water spewing from them, while scalding, is far cooler than that found at other sites.
Despite the brilliant sunshine, it is chilly here, far cooler than I expected.
These armed men Loryn spoke of, whoever they were, would get a far cooler reception.