Finally, they are also able to show a further cooling of the ocean around 445 million years ago was coincident with a massive extinction event.
The R-phase competes with martensite, often completely absent, and often appearing during cooling before martensite then giving way to martensite upon further cooling.
However, it is not likely that further cooling will increase the density sufficiently to make up the difference in density between 93 and 273 kelvins.
Any further cooling will actually result in a "spreading" of the nucleation site away from this convex region, causing rapid, uncontrollable nucleation of the ice crystal.
Another result of the hijacking has been a further cooling of Turkey's troubled relations with Russia.
The Siren listened to the Ear and reported silence, which she took to mean that they should wait for further cooling.
This may have contributed to further cooling of the oceans worldwide.
With further cooling, the bulk of the cloud grows as atmospheric moisture condenses.
Hence vertical heat transport by eddies is suppressed; this reduced (downwards) heat transport leads to further cooling of the lower surface.
Conversely when cooler the oceans have absorbed more CO, resulting in further cooling.