For in fact, beneath it lurked a far darker man.
It was growing dark outside, but the apartment was far darker, something the high noon of their only previous visit had not indicated.
Though the corridor had been dim, his room was far darker.
In addition to being unusually large, it is far darker than any nebula previously recorded.
They were in the deepest shade, and yet whatever he saw was far darker than the hues that surrounded it.
If anything happened to Marty, the world would be a far darker and less interesting place.
In a few minutes it would be dark; far darker than it ever got on the streets of Manchester.
But, I knew them well, and could have found my way on a far darker night, and had no excuse for returning, being there.
And I noticed that the sunglasses you wear most of the time are far darker than ordinary ones.
The series takes a different turn than its predecessor; becoming far darker.