Instead, I.B.M. designers chose to balance computing speed and energy consumption to create a far denser data processing system than had previously been possible.
They merely induce an instantaneous phase change, from a gaseous to a far denser liquid form.
The contents of the cylinder have gone from the usual form of gaseous hydrogen to a far denser form.
These are very different from conventional magnets that store information at a magnetic domain level and theoretically could provide a far denser storage medium than conventional magnets.
And that's a typical suburban street, areas with flats can have far denser competition.
When filming completed without major problems, Curtis set about editing the final film, which proved far denser and more complex than House of Dark Shadows.
Far denser than even a black hole.
Yet they may outnumber the giants and apparently harbor far denser concentrations of invisible dark matter, the enigmatic stuff that constitutes nearly all the mass of the universe.
Farming permitted far denser populations, which in time organised into states.
Nitriensis is written in far denser script than the Harris manuscript, which often makes it illegible.