Free cells were collected by centrifugation and subjected to a further depletion with A2B5-coated beads as above.
The remainder have escaped into the atmosphere to cause further depletion of the ozone layer.
The Australian Government came under strong public pressure to take decisive action to protect the dolphin population from further depletion, and did so in 1986.
That would help prevent further depletion.
Purchases by Bavarians also resulted in a further depletion of Austrian and Italian stock, already low from the population depletions of both world wars.
The party may well face further depletion with the expected defection of some members to set up yet another social democratic opposition party.
If the charge drops below a particular point, the switch shuts off electricity supplied to the car and prevents further depletion.
Because of this there is overfishing, further depletion of stocks and the need for nations to buy more fishing rights elsewhere.
Then we get into a competitive and spiralling problem leading to further depletion of stocks.
Such heavy subsidies simply encourage overcapacity, which in turn leads to further depletion of stocks.