"It is a real danger, because it is a further destabilization of our economy," said Sergei B. Stankevich, a Yeltsin aide.
Western diplomats say Iran is among the nations supporting Kurdish separatists in Turkey, providing Ankara with a threat of further destabilization.
It threatens further destabilization of the region and disruption of energy supplies.
"The consequences would be new elections and further destabilization of Lebanon," says a close associate of Siniora.
If we do not, we're going to contribute to the further destabilization of the region.
This led to the conclusion that Chechnya was being ruled without law, being run into further devastating destabilization.
Israeli leaders publicly condemned the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait today and warned that it would contribute to a further destabilization of the Middle East, but they also appeared relieved by the move.
This would briefly forestall the further destabilization of the gateway Phoebe had worked so hard to avoid if Janeway died without opening the conduit.
"If not, I fear spiraling into further destabilization, further problems," he said.
It emerges that all the parties have a stake in avoiding the further destabilization that would accompany U.S. withdrawal in the next couple of years.