Of course, there are serious security problems in further dissemination of such information, and a Congressional hearing is not the ideal setting for interaction between the branches.
Litten: Has Herr Goebbels prohibited the further dissemination of his work?
Judge Jack B. Weinstein issued a permanent judgement against further dissemination of the documents and requiring their return by a number of parties named by Lilly.
The analysis will be written to a defined classification level with alternative versions potentially available at a number of classification levels for further dissemination.
Rarely, special editions of the PDB have actually been "for the President's eyes only," with further dissemination of the information left to the President's discretion.
Last October, there was widespread anxiety about the possibility of further dissemination of anthrax spores and concern about the lack of availability of anthrax vaccine.
In 1996, several laws were passed to control further dissemination of information in Burma.
On January 1996, the PALplus board published the specifications of the standard in order to support the further dissemination of this standard for wide-screen transmissions.
The prosecution submitted that it applied to photographs since the 1978 Act was concerned with the further dissemination of indecent photographs as well as their production.
The album itself aided in the further dissemination of country blues music, following as almost a coda to the Smith anthology.