Were it possible for a further donation to be agreed at some point during 1993, I should be most grateful.
Another concern is that donors, especially those who gave the works being sold off, may be upset and discouraged from further donation.
Now I am writing to ask if you would continue your support with a further donation for 1990.
There was an immediate response to this letter, and further donations were received following a more widespread public appeal.
Following over the next 40 years were 17 further donations of vineyards.
His endeavors inspired further donations for the school from civic-minded citizens.
The founders enriched the new abbey later by further donations.
Over the years, such a prestigious collection attracted further donations, including those of contemporary artists.
He also promised to make further donations to the community, but he unexpectedly died in the first months of 1252.
A fundraising campaign targeting former philosophy students of the college led to further donations, which increased the fund to over £20,000.