Many funds, fearing a further exodus, won't alert investors.
Many have moved out of the neighborhood, and a further exodus is feared.
Fearing a further exodus of stock trading and tax receipts, the Swedish government quickly rescinded the tax altogether.
"These shipments have clearly been a source of hard cash for Cuba, and we didn't want to be in a position of bankrolling a further exodus," the official said.
I would suggest that since you have now guarded against further exodus, it is not necessary to destroy the planet for a time.
Political unrest and the illegal seizure of many white-owned commercial farms resulted in a further exodus commencing in 1999.
This was followed by a further exodus of Turks in 1898.
The seizure of Aračinovo triggered a further exodus of residents, many of whom have fled north to neighbouring Kosovo.
The inducements are intended to encourage new housing and offices in the area and stop any further exodus of businesses.
A smaller, continuous migration was allowed to continue into 1962, when a civil war put an abrupt halt to any further Jewish exodus.