In April 2007, attacks evolved to take advantage of further exploits involving animated cursors, with multiple websites being used.
The elders had just settled to a comfortable nap when the youngsters rose, refreshed and ready for further exploits.
Then there were the further exploits of Minmei-whew!
And what they'll do is they'll then post other malware on those compromised users' pages and use it as a means of launching further exploits.
Her further exploits are unknown, although she will presumably appear in the upcoming fourth novel, Johnny Alucard.
The sequel was to follow the further exploits of Sadie in Australia, but was never made.
"I have read something of your further exploits since our last meeting in this morning's news-sheet. "
Here, as the result of further successful exploits, Peace found a reward of £50 offered for his capture.
Since Apple tends to not release any information about browser insecurity until it releases the relevant patches, users could potentially be exposed to further exploits in the meantime.
It came to a rest at around 5pm, taking a break before its further exploits that evening.