That disenchantment prompted him into one further expression of his views before the beginning of the war.
Is it no more than a further expression of human skepticism and human arrogance?
I asked quickly, forestalling any further expressions of concern on his part.
They give further expression to the instinct for brutality and beauty, often in tandem, that made him famous in the first place.
"But I must not annoy your lordship with any further expression of my regret!"
The six partners invited any further expressions of interest from companies interested in becoming part of the joint venture.
With further expression of thanks, Norman gathered up the sheets.
Once a player is winked at, they are immediately out of the round and no further expression (vocally or otherwise) would be fair.
Is it a further expression of creative style (hip-hop hoops?)
This is a further expression of the lack of faith in the political and popular legitimacy of the country's own regime.