Eventually his further forays into Central America lead to his capture and execution.
A further foray produced a worn quilt, which she spread on the floor as protection against dust and splinters.
There had been no further forays by Sam Barlow into our neck of the woods.
We want to make further forays into education and business.
All further forays into the Sea of Japan ceased, and it was not breached again until June 1945, when special mine detecting equipment became available.
Hanson is said to be gearing up for a further full-scale foray into our industrial base.
Willis went on to become one of the leading box-office stars of the 1990s, but has not made any further forays into scriptwriting.
As Croak and the rest started on their further foray, the Time Master strolled about the florist shop looking at flowers.
Left to his own devices, the pirate leader might decide that the Paradise was not worth the effort for further forays.
Two Commonwealth tours of India and Pakistan in 1949-50 and 1950-51 were his only further forays of significance into international company.