His crew was reduced by nearly 100 men due to sickness on shore, but he chose nonetheless to confront the far superior Spanish force.
A further force for polarization appears to be at work.
This line would have to be held against the far superior force of the Confederates.
If they had to wait too long, then it would give the enemy time to prepare further forces.
As further Allied forces arrived at the front they suffered from a lack of co-ordination.
Upon cooling, the rivet contracted and exerted further force, tightening the joint.
One thing alone: force, followed by fear of further force.
News had also come in that Winter Kay and a further force of twenty thousand were marching from the south.
During the morning of May 16, Rommel ordered further forces to the frontier.
Russia refused to recognize the republic's independence, but hesitated to use further force against the separatists.