You are a far handsomer sort without it!
"She's not quite as goodlooking as you, maybe, but she's got a far handsomer nose."
Bonnetta assured her that there were plenty of them; indeed, many far handsomer.
Altogether he was really handsome, far handsomer than one would suspect, seeing him at a distance.
Stern had always admired her because at any age she was a far handsomer person than he.
The princes made offerings and Genji seemed far handsomer than any of his brothers.
Spenser Reynolds was a bit shorter than Web average, but far handsomer.
I will give you all the guns you like, far handsomer than this one, which is a cheap thing only made for trade.
Waterloo Village was bigger than I'd expected - some 20 buildings open to the public - and far handsomer.
"No, he is far handsomer than old Blackbird ever was."