He knew that it could provide the people of Jamestown with enough food to save them from further hardship.
So, he asked his wife, if she was willing to undergo further hardships and stand by him in this hour of calamity.
Grain prices began to fall in 1920, causing further hardships.
Scott wrote: "He ought not to risk further hardship in his present state of health."
Paul, on the other hand, is happy to protect Dawes from any further hardship or pain.
But others see a period of continued isolation and further hardship, with the future only worse than the recent, terrible past.
Rather than put Mutina through any further hardship, he surrendered.
Even at such low pay, some of the community groups believe that the new law will bring further hardship to this group.
The pace of reform, to avoid too much further hardship, will also be debated.
As the population increased, less land was available for rice production, thereby bringing further hardship.