And as a further inducement, the companies that hire them don't pay a cent in fees.
As a further inducement to stay on the site, YouTube proposes a half-dozen works that might interest you whenever you're streaming a video.
Later, the 10 percent discount was insisted upon by legislators and advertised as a further inducement for popular support.
As a further inducement I suggest we each post, say, £1,000, with an independent stakeholder.
Suppose I held that out as a further inducement?
As a further inducement, prospective landlords sometimes offer to buy out the unexpired lease.
Some cheaters are paid small sums after the fact as a further inducement to cooperate.
On certain sites, redevelopment activity needs little further inducement.
And some are offering travel and retail discounts as further inducements.
Similarly, promotion continued as a further inducement for some.