You're right, Heem; first we'd better secure the top of this tower against further intrusions; then we can worry about the other two up here.
However, I have an idea that might prevent further intrusions into our airspace.
Clare then compares the felling of the tree with further intrusions on his liberty.
Yve's family were grateful and so forth, but they didn't need further intrusions on their privacy at such a difficult time.
You will have no further intrusions while the snows last.
Johanna sat beside May, shielding her from any further male intrusion.
Conservatives say it's a further intrusion on American sovereignty.
Strategically, the idea was sound, especially if they could secure the other end of the wormhole against further intrusion.
If anything did attack in the night, he would blow those out his aft trunk with sufficient force to discourage further intrusion.
He hastily grasped my hand, to prevent further intrusions.