Where some really want to press on, others have a far looser vision and these are really two irreconcilable visions that make it hard to agree on details.
Spy wakes feeling incredibly relaxed, the face cool and refreshed, and the legs far looser and less painful.
This is far looser than the previous provisions, which were contained in the Trustee Investments Act 1961.
But it was also a far looser affair.
Under his ragged trousers their muscles were far looser, and even seemed thicker, than they had been yesterday.
Her uptempo songs were mostly unsanitized Memphis soul, far looser than most Nashville artists dare.
This far looser definition "is being used as a political tool, favoring saints who rebelled against civil authority," said Mr. Bruno Guerri.
Woody Herman's contemporaneous, bop-flavored First Herd was far looser, which may explain why highbrow critics have always preferred it to Mr. Shaw's postwar band, despite the latter's undeniably progressive tilt.
Outside the capital the process was far looser and generally involved only party officials, party members say.