I'll have clearer signs and markings put up right away so there'll be no further misunderstandings.
Verified and confirmed by everyone on each watch to avoid any further misunderstandings.
A further misunderstanding caused him to become estranged from Adam.
Bob tells Mohinder that he will be getting a partner to make sure "there are no further misunderstandings."
Let me understand you, so that there is no further misunderstanding between us.
To avoid further misunderstanding, he took the economy of Russia as his major scientific specialization.
Let us have no further misunderstanding upon that point, my dear old friend.
Better still, so that no further misunderstandings threaten the harmony between us, you will show me the way.
Once they have made a choice there should be no further misunderstanding as to which Member State 's system they are subject to.
In fact, we have just decided to come to the next press conference on a tandem, so as to rule out any further misunderstandings.