The announcement gave further momentum to the stock market, which had risen during the three prior sessions.
This edict risked giving further momentum to inflationary trends, as had happened after Aurelian's currency reforms.
To gain further momentum, Reed used his involvement in the West Virginia State Newspaper Council to improve the press and its profitability.
But two sacks - one each by end Kevin Henry and safety Carnell Lake - didn't permit Miami any further momentum.
The growth of the town took further momentum due to the 1898 year's Helsingborgs Spritförädlings AB became linked to the railway.
In a statement, the President said, "This action provides still further momentum to our effort to pass bipartisan, comprehensive tobacco legislation this year."
Live piano music and a talented vocalist give further momentum to the merriment.
We want to use this to generate further momentum on jobs.
His sermons against Jews gave further momentum to the idea that Jews are collectively responsible for the death of Jesus.
A leapfrogging effect can be used by placing portals in series during this flinging, gaining further momentum with each use.