Without further narrowing, the label is of limited usefulness for patients or doctors.
Analysts, however, are pessimistic about trade, believing that the strength in the dollar will stall a further narrowing of the deficit.
But they conceded today that the strong tide of public opinion against military involvement required some further narrowing of the mission.
The phase plug can be considered a further narrowing of the horn throat, becoming an extension of the horn to the surface of the diaphragm.
The customs-cleared trade surplus for the first 20 days in February bode ill for a further narrowing of Japan's trade and current account surpluses, economists said.
However in some cases, the procedure itself can cause further narrowing of the vessel, or restenosis.
Inflammation soon follows, leading to a further narrowing of the airways and excessive mucus production, which leads to coughing and other breathing difficulties.
What is likely to be seen instead is a further narrowing of the time between theatrical and DVD releases.
Anything which causes further narrowing of this space can result in impingement syndrome.
Expect a further narrowing of the gap between this year and last year by the end of January.