This gives a skilled programmer increased control over the computer, allowing for further optimization and tighter loops.
Their screening resulted in a compound that presented weak affinity and no antiviral activity but represented a good starting point for further optimization.
These two substances served as lead compounds for further optimization of AT receptor blockers.
This thermodynamic characterization allows for further optimization of compounds.
Knowing the base and the modulus of exponentiation facilitates further optimizations.
Buldas et al. continued with further optimization and formal analysis of binary tree and threaded tree based schemes.
More advanced programs can include the effect of light from windows or skylights, allowing further optimization of the operating cost of the lighting installation.
Windows 8 includes further optimizations for UEFI systems, including a faster startup, 32-bit support, and secure boot support.
The effect is further optimization of torque output, especially at low and midrange RPM.
For further optimization of the images, the DOT uses the image despeckle mechanism.