"The old houses had a sensibility and durability that far outlasts look-at-me architecture."
Paris Hilton far outlasted her allotted 15 minutes.
None but first-class timber was used, and such shingles outlasted far those made by machinery with their cross-grain cut.
Their music, with its knotty, pre-punk arrangements, had an influence that far outlasted the life of the band.
A stone wall would greatly improve Bedlam Farm, and would far outlast me.
An argument could be made that Broadway plays have a subtler effect, an influence that far outlasts their time on stage.
But the clandestine quality of the operation far outlasted the Cold War.
The blizzard's effects in New York City far outlasted the snow.
"His accomplishments are going to far outlast these past controversies."
The telescope, which began operation in 1962, far outlasted its expected life span of 10 years, he said.