Systematic khasra documentation in the Indian subcontinent has existed for several centuries, far predating the British colonial period.
The activity of fans creating relationships out of some or most of the cast of characters far predates the term.
Remo Jacuzzi's experience in hydrotherapy far predates his work with Jason International.
While the philosophical movement Experimental Philosophy began around 2000, the use of empirical methods in philosophy far predates the emergence of the recent academic field.
The history of bullets far predates the history of firearms.
The idea of French labor exchanges far predates the institution.
"This factory far predated any of the regulations that would have kept them out," she said.
Of course, the quest for the roots of Europeanness far predates this late 20th century experiment in pooled sovereignty.
The Bible far predates printing presses, so every book had to be copied by hand for many centuries.
The name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia.