For it is easy to think of other examples where the lexical choice will lead to a further proliferation of senses.
This is the fear that, despite international safeguards, the export of civil power stations and equipment will lead to further proliferation of the atomic bomb.
This would amount to rewarding India for threatening further proliferation and succumbing to its nuclear blackmail.
But whether our program can be used as an escape from further proliferation by others, I'd have to think a little more about that.
Twelve years later, as I left graduate school, even greater respect for the unicells had led to further proliferation at the "lower" end.
My concerns surround mass computing and the further proliferation of walled gardens.
Thus, it remains essential to maintain adequate defences against such dictators and to prevent the further proliferation of nuclear arms.
We must prevent the further proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the wider Middle East.
We share their concern regarding the risk of further proliferation of the conflict.
The laser is used to cauterize (burn) the tips of the vessels in order to prevebnt their further proliferation.