The governor called in National Guard to prevent further rioting, but rumors continued to circulate about an organized retaliation from the blacks.
With mobs destroying buildings and beating people, the Illinois governor called in National Guard to prevent further rioting.
A night of further rioting followed which resulted in the Army being called to assist the Police.
His death touched off further rioting, Arabs said.
Within a few weeks, the two officers were cleared of all charges by a grand jury, igniting further rioting.
I must know how many men we can trust to take arms in the event of further rioting.
There has been further rioting in Central London, and troops have moved in from the outskirts to control this and to maintain order.
President Bush has put four thousand troops on stand-by to tackle any further rioting.
To suppress further rioting and restore order de Prié ordered the arrest of those he saw to be the ringleaders.
Ten people were killed amid further rioting in Mozambique, as police fired rubber bullets and teargas at demonstrators.