After its description in 1977, about 25 years passed with no further sightings, and its voice was unknown.
The police manhunt remained focused there with several further suspected sightings, until the final confrontation at Riverside, Rothbury.
For, according to Tony Newman, there have been no further sightings of shifting shadows nor any inexplicable occurrences since that night.
'You may be interested to know that following the ambush you describe, there were no further sightings of mimint activity in that area.'
Other than some dubious collections in the 1830s and 1840s, no further sightings are known to have been made until 1973, when Nelson rediscovered it.
For the next half hour he had little to do but take further sightings and let the unit correct his flight parameters accordingly.
There were no further sightings of this species, even though researchers well into the 1930s were still uncertain of its extinction.
Shortly thereafter bad weather set in, and no further sightings of the fleet were made that day.
Increasing moonlight and the comet's decreasing brightness prevented any further visual sightings of the comet.
Its exact location was left unrecorded until further sightings in the early 19th century.