In July 1932 the university received a further sum of £6000.
For the partially completed Gallant Ladies a further sum of £200 was paid.
He admits certain payments on his claim, and asks judgment for the further sum of $80,000.
I understand that a further sum is now to be transferred from military aid to the promotion of the work that he suggests.
Then if you strike anything interesting, you can offer a further sum for whatever's down there - say another £250.
Scottish campaigns between 1301 and 1304 used up a further sum of around £177,000.
A further sum is added to these supplements for placement in a nursing home; and, where appropriate, a single room premium.
The prize is a minimum of €50, a further sum of that amount is added each day.
First, that the site be free from taxation, and second, that a further sum of $125,000 be raised by the community.
Therefore no further sum is to be paid by them.